We are the creators of our own world. In each heart a flame is burning,, creativity is our power, let it color every minute, every hour. As designers of life, we convert our dreams into reality, into paradise, each step is a move, each decision our heavenly blessed technology.
With the feathers of our soul we draw stories, we colour the days. Together in the fire we master peace. There is a place for everyone to be Alive, to love in its core through
this incredible time.
Camp Corenina
Live the Creator and Healer in you - 6 day retreat
“"The happy stay of children of the starts, under a gentle sky, in the embrace of nature, around the fire, surrounded by the right things and people in life, so that we can be happy, flowing, fulfilled - in the here and now."
The concept
Our program is carefully crafted from a deep-rooted desire for harmonious coexistence with nature and the desire to establish a deeper contact with it. Our program was carefully designed throughout our lives. It comes from the experience of harmonious coexistence and cooperation with nature with the desire to deepen this contact and
enable other people to experience it.
We are aware that we are an inseparable part of nature, and we yearn to understand it better, to listen to it. Nature offers us endless support, inspiration and solutions to the challenges we face in life. Summer, with its dynamism and creative energy, invites us to create, innovate and enjoy its abundant gifts.
At this time, we feel most alive when we are outdoors, surrounded by trees, under the gentle embrace of the sky. Our wish is to spend this week in perfect harmony with nature, admiring it, learning from it and co-creating with it. This is the core of our journey together – being one with nature and discovering new dimensions of our existence through creative processes.
Welcome to the path of discovery, where nature will be our guide, inspiration and refuge.
To access one's own natural rhythms, to take care of oneself, the body, the emotions, the psyche, the spirit and ouselves (community), to have a good time together at the highest possible level, in cooperation, coexistence, co-creation. Our basis are clean land, clean water, clean air and that it so remains, even after we leave.
What the retreat is about?
6- dnevni tabor ustvarjalcev – v naravi, na naravi prijazen način.
With a lot of creation, cooperation, support, coexistence in peace.
Singing, drumming, dancing, yoga, ancient theater, rebirthing, fire, Ayurvedic workshops, plant food, spring water.
Co-creation, learning new practical skillis in life, deepening the connection with ourselves.
It will be a shared happiness.
Structure of the day
Sunday 28.7..
12.00 Arrival and accomodation 16.00 Opening circle and setting the intention/s 19.00 Dinner 20.00 Water blessing ceremony 21.00 Connecting through music and co creation.
Ponedeljek 29.7.
7.45 Morning yoga 9.00 Breakfast 10.30 Rebirthing 14.00 Free time or food preparation workshop 15.00 Light meal 17.00 Expression through image and word 20.00 Dinner 21.00 Connecting through music and co creation.
Torek 30.7.
7.45 Morning active meditation 9.00 Breakfast 10.30 Collective Constellation - Dramilo 14.00 Free time or food preparation workshop 15.00 Light meal 16.00 Zero Waste Workshop 18.00 Ecstatic dance and Cacao ceremony 21.00 Dinner Continuation of dance and music
Sreda 31.7.
7.45 Morning yoga 9.00 Breakfast 10.30 Reka življenja – kreativna delavnica samospoznavanja 13.00 Free time or food preparation workshop 14.00 Light meal 16.00 Men's circle, Women's circle 18.00 Dinner 21.00 Men's-Women's circle by the fire
Četrtek 1.8.
7.45 Morning yoga 9.00 Breakfast 10.30 Rebirthing 13.00 Free time or food preparation workshop 14.00 Light meal 16.30 Preparation for Sweat lodge - sauna 18.00 Ritual Sweat lodge - sauna 21.00 Dinner 22.00 Co Creating together by the fire
Petek 2.8.
7.45 Morning yoga 9.00 Breakfast 10.30 Postavljanje namena za življenje in integracija 13.00 Free time or food preparation workshop 14.00 Last meal (<3) 16.00 Closing circle and getting ready for departure
The organizers of the camp reserve the right to change the program so that it is adapted as much as possible to the participants and even better than what we stated above.
Who are we creating this for?
For you. For your family. For your friends.
S klikom na spodnji gumb najdeš prijavni obrazec. Se te veselimo! 🙂
Rebirthing is a connected conscious breathing that comes from Kriya Yoga. Breath "carries" prana (energy) into our body. Stress is the main factor that limits our breathing. When we are under stress, we contract, the inhalation and exhalation become shorter and the energy input to our body becomes less. Energy circulation is reduced.
The worse our circulation is and the less energy there is in our body, the less quality our life will be, because it is precisely this energy that creates our vitality. With the help of rebirthing, we turn the process described above to our advantage.
Everything we have experienced in life, all the defense mechanisms we have created as a result, all blockages, all impediments affect our capacity and quality of inhaling and exhaling, and at the same time, the very breath can be our means of overcoming our illusions or limitations and the way back to to the truth, which is love, peace, security, creativity and so much more.
Dramilo - Ancient Theatre
Universal consciousness is strongly present in our lives, but due to the fast pace of life and its powerful but subtle influence, it is often ignored.
Through group setups, we use the phenomenon and intelligence of the common field, which can only be created by a group of people, in order to solve any segment of our lives.
Through the game played by the "called" in front of us, we see, grasp and act out the solution and put things in their place so that the energy can flow or things start to work in the "right" direction. If this itself is not a miracle, then miracles will surely follow.
The setups will be held several times during the camp, sometimes we will present personal topics, and sometimes also our common, collective ones.
Lectures on Ayurveda and cooking workshops
Ajurveda jAyurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India and is based on a holistic approach to maintaining health and treating disease by balancing the body, mind and spirit. It uses a variety of methods including herbs, diet, yoga, meditation and massage to stimulate the body's natural self-healing and restore harmony. During the camp we will hold 3 workshops of 1.5 hours each. Izvedli bomo 3 delavnice po 1,5 hr .
Delavnica 1: Workshop 1: Introduction to Ayurveda, doshas and tastes, basics of food preparation, ritual of eating, preparing lunch or dinner
Delavnica 2: Workshop 2: Qualities of food, Prakriti basics - first day upgrade on doshas, examples/recipes for preparing breakfasts and other meals, demonstration - optional: Preparation of ghee butter, kitchari, face-care masks.
it counts as a daily task and requires our energy, focus and, above all, our good will, benevolence.
A concrete space for the transformation (yourself in the "here and now") of fruits and vegetables into deliciousness, and for calming down (a great emphasis is on “let the body and mind that enters the kitchen be clean”) and transcendence. The best kitchen is outdoor kitchen. This workshop also includes collecting wild food.
The workshop will be conducted by our head chef every day until the end of the camp. The content of the workshop will be delivered to our plates after meals. Help with gathering and preparing food will be welcome.
Drums workshop
Drums bring the spirit of antiquity into our space. In general, group drumming or playing specific rhythms opens doors to other worlds and dimensions. The drum is the simplest instrument that can be mastered with some practice, and at the same time it can also serve as an excellent accompaniment to any kind of music. At the camp, there will also be drumming by the fire every evening, and some technical workshops during the day, for those who are thirsty of knowledge.
Yoga is "only" the movement of the body in connection with the breath. Adapted to everyone. Everyone practices their own yoga, as they also breathe differently and follow only themselves. A simple sequence based on acceptance and release, inhalation and exhalation, the true meaning of tantra. It offers to the individual a safe space and the opportunity to be present with his feelings and everything else that surrounds him (environment, people,...). It is based on the fact that everyone follows the pace of their breath, without repeating sequences after the teacher as if yoga is a "performance".
We will teach the heart of yoga. Participation with oneself and the environment. Being present with who we are - the intelligence of the universe.
How are we going to pull this off?
Together with you, participants.
As organizers we believe in our collective strength (because we have experienced this many times before). We can do more together than each of us can do alone. We will arrange our living and event space together, we will prepare food together, we will sit by the fire together, we will build a shelter together. Skupaj bomo brez signala. Nevertheless, participation in all of the workshops of the camp program is not obligatory, so that everyone can take all the alone time required.
Plesne delavnice
At the dance workshop, you surrender to movement, which becomes an expression of your inner rhythm. Every move is conscious, full of the wisdom of the body, which intertwines with the organic voice. You connect with your heart and your surroundings, creating harmony between yourself and the world around you.
Evening singing of healing songs and intuitive singing
Every evening, we will sit by the fire and create harmony together through the instrument that each of us carries within us: our voice. We will sing healing songs from around the world, and we will also create our own, common, new healing songs.
Zero waste workshop
We want to use all the waste (or as much as possible) that we will create at the camp for some purpose. The workshop will start on the first day and end on the last day.
Soustvarili bomo kreativne rešitve za predelavo naših »smeti« v nekaj lepega.
What is meditation? Why do people often quickly stop the practice of establishing inner peace, balancing the mind and body and developing a deeper understanding of oneself and the world? How to use the mind to stop and ensure the functioning of the brain in other frequencies or conditions?
We will learn about different ways of meditation and yogic understanding and knowledge.
We will talk about why some people struggle with it, what is the common mistake people make. Why is meditation so important, why is everyone talking about it. But mainly we will do the practical part - experiencing. We will do active and seated meditations through our camp.
Sweat lodge - sauna
Skupaj bomo zgradili ogrodje, dame prosili, da naredijo oltar si razdelili vloge in skupaj potovali v naši vesoljski ladji.
Celotna izkušnja potilnice bo obredna, pred in med bomo izvajali molitve in “očiščeno” telo uporabili za kreacijo novega.
The creative corner
During the camp, we will install a creative corner at the location, where you will be able to find various tools, paints, scissors, cords for creating.
(Perhaps) we will be surprised and a versatile artist who covers many creative fields joins us at the camp. Wink wink.
Apply to the retreat
The number of places is limited to 30 for 30 different reasons.
Above all, it is important that each of the participants feels their "place", that is, that there is enough space for everyone, that everyone is seen and heard. This is how we will live our mission in the world and in life.
By submitting the application, I undertake to settle the invoice, which I will receive by email within a few days. The advance payment for the camp is €100
Contribution €444 Spots are limited, so when you feel the call make the call.
We have extended the early bird price until the event. :)
V prispevek je vključena hrana, program in lokacija.
Additional information
In case of non-participation: more than 1 month before the event, we refund the entire amount of the advance payment.
From 30 to 14 days before the event, we refund 60% of the reservation amount.
Do 14 dni pred dogodkom lahko svoje mesto prepustite nekomu drugemu.V primeru neudeležbe zaradi nepričakovane bolezni in jasnega dokazila le tega, lahko nakazani znesek, ki ga lahko koristite v enem letu za drug dogodek v organizaciji Himalaya Rebirthing. Prijavo lahko prenesete tudi na drugo osebo. In the event of a cancellation on our part, we will refund the entire transferred amount.
"Nature is a wonderful reminder of who we are and where we belong. Its elements liberate us and nurture our soul.”
"Nature teaches us that it is necessary to be patient, persistent and adaptable. When we connect with nature, we also connect with our inner self.”
S klikom na spodnji gumb najdeš prijavni obrazec. Se te veselimo! 🙂
Every time I write a description about myself, I write it differently. That says a lot. I love variety in all shapes, smells, tastes and sounds.
My field of creation is Earth, working with wood, earth, straw, water, air, concrete things and creatures of this creation, people, plants, sound.
I encourage folk sound and rhythmic circles because I have come to understand that it connects us to the ancient within us. I support rebirthing because it connects us to experiencing our essence. I make a fire because this is "Mr. Ancient" and I like to meet a friend every now and then. I am also interested in the most natural sounds from some basic instruments. With the help of various approaches, I open spaces in the circle, which are intended for the healing of our wounds and our progress towards who we are. For the highest good of the whole.
creation, people, plants, sound.
I am also interested in the most natural sounds from some basic instruments. With the help of various approaches, I open spaces in the circle, which are intended for the healing of our wounds and our progress towards who we are. For the highest good of the whole.
Former professional basketball player, co-founder of the first basketball school in Slovenia for girls. Facilitator of Himalaya rebirthing and reiki master of several systems, astrologer and soon psychologist. She devotes much of his time to education and research in various fields that help us live a more conscious life.
She says she is an alchemist, because she combines everything she knows and is. She leads her women's circles and the program of work with the inner child, where she helps individuals to look back on their childhood, free themselves from the past and freely live their present and create their future from deep contact with themselves and life.
Usui, Kundalini and Shamballa Reiki master
Rebirthing facilitator
200h certified yoga teacher
Certified meditation teacher
A researcher on the sandbox of his own images, where he builds and plays with various theses and antitheses of his reality. He is researching sustainable construction, where he is most interested in renovations of industrial heritage. But equally, he ventures into art, without which he would not be here. It is often found in conversations about silence, in the laughter of sadness, in the rush of lying, in chaotic order. He looks for playfulness and exploration in creation, which he finds everywhere, but he prefers to venture through the medium of poetry, movement, woodwork and cooking.
I am co-creating this camp from an immensely heartfelt space in my soul. All the knowledge that I share through the practice of yoga, preparation and consumption of food and care for my body comes from the path that I have traveled on my own so to speak in "searching for myself". I traveled to 40 countries, saw different ways of eating and "where does it all go wrong" both in food and in the practice of yoga and Western spiritualism.
It gives me joy to be barefoot, climb trees, create with clay, write, sing, dance, and I'm not against my job in the field of bioeconomy, where we try to use waste materials for something else, instead of just extracting from our earth:)).
400 hr certified Yoga Teacher
Ayurveda Health Advisor
Certified on Theta Healing – Basic DNA course
3 years of teaching experience
Ongoing Herbalism Course
I am a tireless seeker of my own truth. The search for my own simplicity, naturalness, softness and relaxation invites me to coexist with nature and to co-create an authentic world with other people. I want to co-create the joy of life in relationships with others through dance, music and singing.I am interested in who the other is and how we can create the beauty of being together, listen to each other and support each other.
I am a biotherapist of karmic diagnostics and conversational hypnotherapy and a Reiki therapist. From a place of love and sincere empathy, with my non-judgmental presence I open the space for change on an individual level. I perform therapies in contact with the divine presence, which connects a person to his essence, where his sincerity resides. This enables the body to harmonize back to its vital state of being.
Sem sejalka semen nove Zemlje, kateri se na trenutke zdi, da je korak pred časom, a na srečo me čas znova in znova dohiti. Moje vodilo je “če se ne počutiš primerne-ga za ta svet, si moraš ustvariti svojega.”
I worship Mother Earth, dance, sing under the shower, tell stories, connect, inspire and nurture. I channel part of me into promoting reuse and reviving the culture of sharing, where I sail as the head of the reuse center @cup_izola. I perceive creativity as a medicine that anchors us in the here and now and reminds us that we all have an incredible power of creation within us, which our world needs, today perhaps more than ever before.
In the creatively co-created Camp Corenina, I will support the talents that will be revealed and strengthened in this field, inspire in reuse processes and encourage to surrender our bodies to a free dance expression.
Anita in Aleš
Who am I? I would quickly describe myself as follows. I am a person, a woman of age with quite a few titles and roles that I have acquired throughout my life's journey. I feel that I am a passionate explorer of the depths of feeling in everything and everyone, and I am enchanted by the beauty of simplicity and the precise perfection of creation. Most of my time in life is spent with children as a mother and as a mentor. After 20 years of working in a kindergarten as a certified preschool educator, I ventured out on my own 4 years ago. I started with an idea and created a living project that provides children with a space without four walls for their own development, called Guardian of Nature, which trusts and believes in every child.
I am here to create and lead the vision of the Guardian of Nature, which respects and realizes each individual's authenticity. This authenticity is something one boldly feels and lives in harmony with, in the purity of purpose. I am here as a representative of the Guardian of Nature, which creates and provides children with a living space and time, allowing them to grow at their own sincere pace and learn through their experiences with all that is essential in the universe. I support children so they can feel their infinite inner world and thus build trust in themselves, trust in their authenticity through free-flowing thoughts and full experiences of the moment, enabling them to remain free in being who they truly are. I open and hold a space for children to feel genuinely through mutual respect and the preservation of full freedom of action. I am grateful to my partner Aleš Aleš Levačič, who supports me in this endeavor as a collaborator, contributing his masculine energy alongside me and believing in the vision.
At Camp Corenina - Creative Life in Nature in the week from 28.7. until 2.8. co-creating children's adventures in nature, as a mentor to children's moments of action.
I am an artist, youth worker, facilitator, and trainer in non-formal education. I conduct various workshops and projects, including those at the international level (mainly through Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programs funded by the European Union). For over 10 years, I have been active at the Youth Center Zagorje ob Savi, collaborating with various youth organizations in Slovenia. I am a member of the pool of trainers at Movit – the Institute for Youth Mobility Development, and I am a nationally certified youth worker. I am also an artist (painter, illustrator, and theater improviser), which further enriches my approach to conducting workshops and leading group processes. In my work, I use a wide range of creative methods and tools.
I believe in the nature that is in our nature. Creative expression through various media is part of my everyday life. I create environments where we can empower ourselves and express ourselves through art. I am a big fan of theater methods, especially improvisational theatre. I encourage playfulness, relaxation, authenticity, creativity, compassion and expression. I promote freedom, where awareness of the freedom of others is also cultivated. I love deep debates by the fire under the stars, and even though I'm "fussy", I love singing and expressing my voice freely. I believe that we can all be playful and creative - I have ideas in my pocket on how to encourage everyone who is willing to participate and allow themselves to do so. I believe in community, I believe in nature, I believe in kindness. At Camp Corenina, I will contribute to providing a safe space for expression, living, creativity and ideas, which I never run out of.
And other Guests
We will announce them through our social media. Stay in touch for more!
Podporniki Campa, ki bodo s svojimi izdelki obogatili našo izkušnjo.
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